14 Aug


ART WORKS: CARDS, HAND CHAIN, BANGLES AND FRAMES: Having been an art student for year the prestigious School of Art and Design at Auchi Polytechnic, Edo State has open my eye to the potentials a simple but good art work is worth. While in the school then I had to change my faculty to another because being artist was not really my passion, but the knowledge and skill I acquired serve me a great deal at a particular time in my life.
At a point in school, I got to understand the love of students for handmade cards and frames. I venture into it and this put some nice cash into my pocket. At that point in time I make frames for friends, course mates and neighbors. Once you are known, your market and sells will no bound or limit.  And the fact is that you must not be a trained artist to be able to learn the skill of making simple but beautiful and eye catching greeting cards, and frames.
Another money spinning art work you can do as a person is the hand bangles. In recent time youths in general are now fond of wearing all sorts of chains, bangles and bracelets on their hands and neck. A week lesson and a little cash will fetch you all these simple skills in art work. You don’t need to wait forever no more to get started with something now.

PHOTOGRAPHY: I guess I need not talk much about this particular business concept. Photography has always been a hot cake within and outside the school environments in recent years. Photography is wide and not just snapping and printing pictures only. It has many application and different means by which it can creatively maximize to bring in something tangible.
You can just specialize in passport taking only, or you can widen your scope by taking portraits and all sort of. You can also go as far as making appearances in ceremonies to maximizing your profits. I once met a man who told how he trained himself in school by taking snap shots. He said weekends are his busiest part of the week.
During the week, make enquires of where ceremonies will be taking place during the weekend and then plan those days around them. So week days he concentrates on his studies and weekends take care of his expenses for the week.

SALES AND DISTRIBUTION OF STATIONARY: Has it ever crossed mind that photocopy and business centre in your school are untapped mines of wealth? If you can seat and calculates the number of paper rims they use per day not to speak of weekly or monthly, you will be amazed at the amount you can make just by supplying them this paper exactly same amount they buy it from outside.
This is business, and all a business person desires is how to cut down cost by all means. By supplying them directly in their respective store or business venue, you have automatically cut down for them the cost of transportation the stress and time they have always prayed to savor.
Apart from business centre in the school you can extend your distribution to. You must not limit yourself at all to one place. Business needs expansion to grow, so take charge of every opportunity you get.


TUTORIAL: A friend once told me that in school two things are important while in school: either you have money or you are intelligent. If your cash can buy help from your course mate at least your intelligence will fetch you money from them, but to have none is real trouble. I think there is a little bit of truth in this statement of his.
Survival in school is based on any of these two things; either you are intelligent or you walk with the intelligent, but the case you found non then your money will bring them. The good news is that if you are brilliant and you know it, then it’s time to make some extra cash from those who need what you have to offer.
Tutorial classes with little cash incentive attached can really make you something tangible or if you feel you can’t teach, while not make an handout that explains in detail that course everyone in your faculty and department cry about and include your number should in case they need a personal tutorial from. One thing you need to know is that nothing good comes easy. Most of those students are even intelligent than you but cant bow their heads to study, so there must be a way out for them and your knowledge and time can serve them in exchange for their cash.

BOOK WRITING: as an individual I have been a beneficiary of this though mine is a passion and a gift from God. Though I do some writing for free and share knowledge that I sacrifice cash, time and energy to get for free also because that’s where I get my fulfillment from as a person. But my writing also can also fetch me cash and fame depending on which I desire.
Book writing comes in diverse ways. Either short stories, motivational, religious, educational and current affairs depending on the one you are good at or can easily do as an individual. I have seen people bring motivational books written by them to classes, make little speech or give some motivational talks and then sell after all that.
These individuals make money their talents and gifts. The crazy part of it all is that some came in their cars and well dressed. It’s after the whole talk show you will get to know that it’s this little book they wrote and sell that had turn in fortune for them.  Book writing is curative especially if you have a good content i.e. a real good message to pass across your target audience. And when it comes to writing for student audiences, the truth is that there are just too many issue and topics to write about. You just need to go for little research, write, publish and turn thing around for yourself.

SALES OF FASHION ACCESSORIES: this is a good concept for the ladies who want to do something. When we talk about fashions, ladies took the lead before you can start thinking of fashion oriented young men. And recently, the rate at which people go into fashion and follows latest trends is quite amusing.
Fashion itself, is a household name because it’s wide and have many aspect we can just start naming here. For ladies there are many little things that make up their fashion lines and life. These stuffs ranges from the clothing, to makeup, bangles, hair rings, chains, powders: the like of MARY K, facial foundation, lipstick, eye pencils, nail finish, the list goes on. By the nature of these mentioned products, they cost less when bought in wholesale from a reliable wholesaler. And while buying try as much as possible to make your intention known to him/her that you are also selling them so that the price can be reduced considerably for you. Secondly, most of those wholesalers know the best products and quality you need to trade in.
It’s easy and cheap to start something in this respect because there are varieties of products you can ditch out and thereafter make some quality buck from. To foster your business research, you just need to know what those around you uses and buy the most and get it. Once you start, in no time the business will spread if you are the consistent and serious minded type.
ONLINE BUSINESS: online business has been named as scammed because many unscrupulous individuals had infiltrated it band turn it into a den where only those with tough mind can venture into. But sincerely there are many online businesses you can actually venture in and make some cash in your spare times.
Business like
online typing
online survey
 web hosting resell
 web flipping
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Social media management services
ORM (Online Reputation Management)
Web application development
Content writer or developer
EBook writing
Online trading
Online webinars
Creation of online business directories
Forex trading
Google adsense
Selling on ebay
Online consulting
Affiliate marketing
Traffic creation and directing.
The list can go on but let me stop here for. Expect some detailed information on all these listed form of business very soon on my coming blog posts.

BAKING CLASS: I tell people especially my close pals sometime that no knowledge is wasted. Even though its shoe you know how to repair. One day you will need it. I have a roommate. He is a medical student but surprisingly he can repair shoes, stick clothes. So when my cloth is faulty or my shoe develops a problem I happy take it to him though at no cost. I remember I once ask where he go this knowledge from and he told me he learn from a cobbler friend in his neighborhood. Sincerely, that knowledge he has is invaluable and of great use right in school environment because the price for repairing a faulty shoe in my school environment is quite on the high side.
The knowledge of baking is what many individuals are paying through their nose to learn. You having this knowledge is a great advantage to you. All you need to do in this sense to organize class for interested people after you might have made an advert or posters. And this instance if there are individuals doing the same thing around, you can cut down your own price to make it more affordable to people or you can give it at the same price but with a little more menu on your course list.
To organize this kind of class in the school environment might look a bit challenging to you but in real sense, it’s a thing you can with ease if your time is well planned out. If you are thinking of how to go about it, I will advise you to fix the class to weekend when you and the participant can have time for yourselves. And if you are thinking that a weekend might not be enough, it’s simple. You can divide the lesson between the four weekends in the month, and majorly Saturdays and Sunday evenings are perfect time for such endeavors. But make sure you don’t just jump into this without proper knowledge and training kits for practical purposes. Because practical classes are more preferred and if the knowledge and the products of you experiment during the practical class are solid enough then you need not think of where the next set of students will emerge. Proof of your knowledge will sell you out.

TYPING OF DOCUMENTS: too many opportunities abound in type setting. Mostly in the school environments where assignments, reports, projects and class work are rolled out in their numbers and which are to be submitted already typed by the students involved. In this scenarios lay hidden opportunities. In a school, not every student are serious enough to follow up their course works with great passion in order to ensure that their grades are worth smiling at, at the end of the day. Even those that might be considered serious might not have the resources such as a laptop and a printer to do the job at hand, so at the end they end up going out to a computer centre to type their already written assignment.
As a student  who want to make little buck in school, you need not waste or under use your time and system (if you have one) in playing games or watching movies. You can sort for students who have challenges with typing their assignments, projects or report and offer to assist them for a fee. One thing you should know is that the more you engage in typing for others the better your skills and the wider your business skills which can serve you later in the future.              

If you are to succeed in life you must dedicated your life to a cause as an individual or organization. starting a business is more than just mere engagement, but it involve apt commitment and passion.


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